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      Start Saving with Solar

      Save money. Save trees. Save power.

      How to Save with Solar

      Solar power systems are hugely popular in Australia, and their popularity is still growing. Most homeowners are drawn in by the drastically reduced electricity costs. But many are also swayed by the reduced impact on the environment and a lessened reliance on the grid.

      Whatever the reason, solar power is the future. And it’s one that will give you big returns. The trick is to invest early and use it well into the future.

      Big Returns

      At the end of the day, we’re all looking for ways to reduce our electricity costs. Costs are on the rise. And consumption is as well as we bring in more and more electric vehicles and other carbon reducing technologies.


      Solar power is the answer. You only have to look at the numbers.

      Potential Solar System Savings

      System Size Average Solar Daily Output Cost of Power Potential Annual Savings**
      5kW 20 kWh 25 cents $2,190
      6kW 25 kWh 25 cents $2,500
      8kW 32 kWh 25 cents $3,500
      10kW 42 kWh 25 cents $4,380

      **Assumes full year-round utilisation of generated electricity, and will change based on usage and feed-in tariffs.

      Case Study: Typical Residential Solar

      Of course, every household is different, but the average Australian household uses from 15 kWh to 24 kWh per day. A 6.66kW system can generate up to 27 kWh of power every day. Which means you can live your life nearly (electricity) cost free.

      Here we installed a 6.66kW system on a home in Ipswich, Queensland. The system dropped the customer’s annual electricity bill from around $1,500 per year, to less than $200 per year—a reduction of a whopping 87%. And a typical result for this size and type of system.

      3D Energy Workers on a steep roof - Kelvin Grove



      Of course, every household is different, but the average Australian household uses from 15 kWh to 24 kWh per day. A 6.66kW system can generate up to 27 kWh of power every day. Which means you can live your life nearly (electricity) cost free. 

      daily projection graph
      Average monthly bill $121.26
      $16.00 87%
      First year average
      Annual bill $1,455.12
      $191.97 87%
      Est. annual savings $1,263.16

      20 Year Financial Outlook

      Present Day Value of Investment $20,210.46
      Payback Period 3-3.5 years
      Total Return on Investment 520%

      Case Study: Large Residential Solar System—10.73kW*

      If you live in a home that consumes more energy—perhaps because you also run your workshop from the property, operate heavy equipment or simply have a large home with a lot of appliances—you may need a larger solar system. The 10.73kW system can generate 44 kWh of power to help you run everything you need to from your home.

      We installed a 10.73kW system in a home like this in Indooroopilly, Queensland. And the customer saw an immediate and immense drop in their annual electricity—from an estimated $3.279 before solar, to around $445 after solar.
      This is a savings of 86%, every single year.

      Dark solar panels on a red roof



      The 10.73kW system can generate 44 kWh of power to help you run everything you need to from your home.

      projection of daily production of power from solar
      Average monthly bill $273.27
      $37.10 86%
      First year average
      Annual bill $3,279.22
      $445.15 86%
      Est. annual savings $2,834.07

      20 Year Financial Outlook

      Present Day Value of Investment $50,415.22
      Payback Period 3.5 years
      Total Return on Investment 507%

      Case Study: Commercial Solar System—38.25kW*

      If you have a commercial property, solar should be one of your first investments. With a 38.25kWh system, you’ll generate between 100 and 200 kWh of electricity each day (on average). And your monthly and annual electricity bill will plummet by an estimated 76%.

      We installed a 38.25kW solar system on a commercial property in Chermside, Queensland. The customer experienced these excellent results, and more.

      60.84kW Solar Array - Toombul



      With a 38.35kWh system, you’ll generate between 100 and 200 kWh of electricity each day (on average). And your monthly and annual electricity bill will plummet by an estimated 76%.

      Graphic showing solar daily production per month
      Average monthly bill $1,148.14
      $270.83 76%
      First year average
      Annual bill $13,777.73
      $3,249.97 76%
      Est. annual savings $10,527.76

      20 Year Financial Outlook

      Present Day Value of Investment $196,948.36
      Payback Period 2-3 years
      Total Return on Investment 804%

      Feel Good Electricity

      Solar doesn’t just help you save costs—it also helps you save on costs to the environment. These savings come primarily from avoiding power plant emissions, as well as fuel consumption.


      how to save with solar graph

      6.6kW Solar System

      Trees Planted Equivalent

      159 trees per year 5

      Each tree icon represents 20 trees

      tree icons to demonstrate the trees planted equivalent

      Fuel Consumption Saved

      2645 litres of petrol per year 5

      Each fuel can icon represents 2700 litres of fuel

      fuel can icons to demonstrate fuel consumption saved

      Coal Burning Saved

      3006 kg of coal per year 5

      Each coal lump icon represents 310 kg of coal

      lumps of coal icons to demonstrate coal burning saved

      10.73kW Solar System

      Trees Planted Equivalent

      290 trees per year 5

      Each tree icon represents 30 trees

      tree icons to demonstrate the equivalent trees planted

      Fuel Consumption Saved

      4822 litres of petrol per year 5

      Each fuel can icon represents 490 litres of fuel

      fuel can icons to demonstrate fuel consumption saved

      Coal Burning Saved

      5480 kg of coal per year 5

      Each coal lump icon represents 550 kg of coal

      lumps of coal icons to demonstrate coal burning saved

      38.25kW Solar System

      Trees Planted Equivalent

      1026 trees per year 5

      Each tree icon represents 110 trees

      tree icons to demonstrate the equivalent trees planted

      Fuel Consumption Saved

      17040 litres of petrol per year 5

      Each fuel can icon represents 1710 litres of fuel

      fuel can icons to demonstrate fuel consumption saved

      Coal Burning Saved

      19366 kg of coal per year 5

      Each coal lump icon represents 1940 kg of coal

      lumps of coal icons to demonstrate coal burning saved

      Grid Independence

      Many of our solar customers want to understand how they can eliminate the costs of relying on the grid for any power at all. Some businesses have vital equipment that they need to keep powered up in the case of a blackout. Other people simply want to be able to use all the power they produce.

      In these cases a battery is a great choice. Battery costs are coming down, and they’ll continue to come down over time.

      solar batteries mounted inside

      Battery Cost Savings Projections*

      Assumed battery cost $70,500
      Storage Capacity 12.8kWh
      Battery Use 100%
      Grid electricity use 0%
      Payback period 6-7 years

      While these are huge savings, what’s even more important to customers is the total removal of any worries about grid outages or rising electricity costs. Instead, they have complete electricity independence.

      Backyard with swimming pool and solar panels on the roof

      Case Study: Residential Solar System with Battery Storage*

      This residential property had a pool, pool heater, ducted air conditioning and many other appliances on site resulting in an energy bill pushing $5,000 annually. The proposed solution included a 13.3 kW solar system with two Sungrow Inverters and 12.8kWh Sungrow battery.


      This system will generate an average of 50 kWh of electricity per day, lowering the annual bill from nearly $5,000 to $1,266, a savings of 73%.



      Better yet, with a battery system, the home owner will be consuming 63% of their solar power production on site, which is up from 42% with just solar panels—a fantastic result.

      graph showing production of energy from solar
      Average monthly bill $389.65
      $105.56 73%
      First year average
      Annual bill $4,675.76
      $1,266.69 73%
      Est. annual savings $3,409.07

      Where will your solar come from?

      43% 22% 35%
      How much of your solar bill will be consumed on-site. More is better 42%
      63% 21%

      20 Year Financial Outlook

      Present Day Value of Investment $51,884.13
      Payback Period 6-7 years
      Total Return on Investment 238%

      Trees Planted Equivalent

      357 trees per year 5

      Each tree icon represents 40 trees

      tree icons to demonstrate the trees planted equivalent

      Fuel Consumption Saved

      5938 litres of petrol per year 5

      Each fuel can icon represents 600 litres of fuel

      fuel can icons to demonstrate fuel consumption saved

      Coal Burning Saved

      6749 kg of coal per year 5

      Each coal lump icon represents 680 kg of coal

      lumps of coal icons to demonstrate coal burning saved

      Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Solar

      1. Timing is everything. Learn how to set the timers on your dishwasher, washing machine and other appliances when the solar panels can help. And develop a habit of charging your devices, including any electric vehicles, while the sun is shining.


      2. Keep it on an even keel. When it comes to heating and cooling the house, try to adjust the temperature of your home as much as possible during the daylight hours.


      3. Upgrade! When it comes to appliances, the old mixer mum left you might not be the best choice in terms of power usage. Instead, look to upgrade to models that have high EECA ENERGY STAR ratings. They’ve been designed to use as little energy as possible.


      4. Get smart. Smart home technologies are taking Aussie homes by storm. With smart tech you can control the lights, thermostats and even the shades of your home all from your smartphone. And save energy at the same time.

      3D Energy - Brisbane Solar Power Experts

      At 3D Energy we can design the optimal cost-saving and power maximising solar system to suit your home or commercial property’s unique needs. We’ll ensure that you start saving now with high-quality products that are primed and ready to meet all your future solar needs.

      3D Energy—Your Local Solar Experts

      *All figures are a guide only. Each installation will generate different results as a result of differences in the materials, labour time, battery choices and other factors.

      **To be used as a guide only. Potential savings assumes full year-round utilisation of solar power generated, and will change based on usage and feed-in tariffs.

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